191 books • 3 series
Loves Maistresse
Corrected by the Author.
The Brazen Age: The First Act Containing, the Death of the Centaure Nessus; The Second, the Tragedy of Meleager; The Third, the Tragedy of Jason and Medea; The Fourth, Vulcans Net; The Fifth, the Labours and Death of Hercules (Classic Reprint)
The Merry Devil of Edmonton as It Hath Been Sundry Times Acted, by His Majesties Servants at the Globe on the Bank Side. (1655)
Machiavels Ghost, as He Lately Appeared to His Deare Sons, the Moderne Projectors Divulged for the Pretended Good of the Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland. (1641)
The Life of Merlin, Sirnamed Ambrosius His Prophesies and Predictions Interpreted, and Their Truth Made Good by Our English Annalls
The Generall History of Vvomen Containing the Lives of the Most Holy and Prophane, the Most Famous and Infamous in All Ages, Exactly Described Not Only from Poeticall Fictions, But from the Most Ancient, Modern, and Admired Historians, to Our Times (1657)
Englands Elisabeth Her Life and Troubles, During Her Minoritie, from the Cradle to the Crown
If Yon [sic] Knovv Not Me, You Know No Bodie, Or, the Troubles of Queene Elizabeth (1613)
A Funerall Elegie Vpon the Death of the Late Most Hopefull and Illustrious Prince, Henry, Prince of Wales / Vvritten by Thomas Heyvvood. (1613)
The Fayre Maide of the Exchange Together with the Merry Humours, and Pleasant Passages of the Cripple of Fanchurch
A True Relation, of the Lives and Deaths of Two Most Famous English Pyrats, Purser, and Clinton Who Lived in the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth. Together with the Particular Actions of Their Takings (1639)
Loves Mistress, Or, the Queens Masque as It Was Three Times Presented Before Their Majesties Within the Space of Eight Days, in the Presence of Sundry Foreign Ambassadors (1640)
Troia Britanica
The Famous and Remarkable History of Sir Richard Whittington Three Times Lord Mayor of London, Who Lived in the Time of King Henry the Fifth, in the Year, 1419, with All the Remarkable Passages and Things of Note Which Happened in His Time/By T.H. (1680)
King Edward the Fourth. Containing His Merrie Pastime with the the Tanner of Tamworth
The Foure Prentises of London Vvith the Conquest of Ierusalem. as It Hath Bene Diuerse Times Acted, at the Red Bull, by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants. Written by Thomas Heyvvood. (1615)
The Rape of Lucrece a True Roman Tragedy
The Iron Age Contayning the Rape of Hellen, the Siege of Troy, the Combate Betwixt Hector and Aiax, Hector and Troilus Slayne by Achilles, Achilles Slaine by Paris, Aiax and Vlisses Contend for the Armour of Achilles (1632)
A Curtaine Lecture as It Is Read by a Countrey Farmers Wife to Her Good Man. by a Countrey Gentlewoman or Lady to Her Esquire or Knight by a Souldiers Wife to Her Captain or Lievtenant. (1638)
Dramatic Works. with a Life of the Poet and Remarks on His Writings Volume 2
A Warning for Fair Women
Thomas Heywood; Edited by A. Wilson Verity