211 books • 1 series
A Review of the Reign of George the Second. in Which a New Light Is Thrown on the Transactions, and the Effects of Ministerial Influence Are Traced and Laid Open.
Free Parliaments
A Letter to the Right Honourable Charles Jenkinson. the Fourth Edition.
The History of the Late Minority. Exhibiting the Condvct, Principles, and Views, of That Party, Dvring the Years 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1765. the Third Impression
An Address to the Interior Cabinet. the Third Edition.
The Revolution in MDCCLXXXII Impartially Considered. the Third Edition.
A New Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets, Printed for J. Almon, Bookseller and Stationer, Opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly. ... London, November, 1770.
The History of the Minority; Dvring the Years 1762, 1763, 1764, and 1765. Exhibiting the Condvct, Principles, and Views, of That Party. the Fifth Impression
A Letter to the Right Honourable Charles Jenkinson. the Fifth Edition.
Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham; And of the Principal Events of His Time
An Address to the Interior Cabinet.
An History of the Parliament of Great Britain, from the Death of Queen Anne, to the Death of King George II.
A Review of the Reign of George II. in Which a New Light Is Thrown on the Transactions of Great-Britain and Ireland; And the Effects of Ministerial Influence Traced and Laid Open. by an Impartial Hand. the Second Edition
Additions to Common Sense
The New Foundling Hospital for Wit. (3-4); Being a Collection of Several Curious Pieces, in Verse and Prose
The New Foundling Hospital for Wit (1-2); Being a Collection of Several Curious Pieces, in Verse and Prose
Another Letter to Mr. Almon, in Matter of Libel; With a PostScript Upon Contempt of Court and Attachment
A Letter Concerning Libels, Warrants, and the Seizure of Papers
Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl Chatham
A Collection of Interesting, Authentic Papers; Relative to the Dispute Between Great Britain and America; Shewing [Sic] the Causes and Progress
A Review of Lord Bute's Administration.
An Asylum for Fugitive Pieces, in Prose and Verse, Not in Any Other Collection (Volume 3); With Several Pieces Never Before Published
Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham
An Asylum for Fugitive Pieces