LINDA BAILEY has written nearly forty books for children, including The Three Little Mittens, Carson Crosses Canada, Princesses Versus Dinosaurs and If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur. Her books have been translated into twenty languages and have won multiple awards such as the Ontario Blue Spruce and Silver Birch Awards, the California Young Reader Medal, the Georgia Children's Picturebook Award and the UK School Library Association Information Book Award. Linda has been honored for her exceptional body of work in children’s literature with the Vicky Metcalf Award. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia where she has had some stupendous sleepovers with her grandchildren.
JOE BLUHM is an artist and storyteller, with books and animation as his primary medium. The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce, the book that inspired the Academy Award–winning short film, marked his picture book debut. He has illustrated several books and graphic novels, including The Magician’s Secret by Zachary Hyman and Dear Sister by Alison McGhee. His animation work has garnered Emmy and Academy awards. Joe currently lives in Louisiana with his wife, kids and menagerie of pets.