138 books • 1 series
Geschichte Der Aesthetik in Deutschland, Siebenter Band (Primary Source)
Grundzuge Der Naturphilosophie
Microcosmus; An Essay Concerning Man and His Relation to the World Volume 1
Lotze's System of Philosophy, Part II, Metaphysic Volume 2
Microcosmus; An Essay Concerning Man and His Relation to the World Volume 2
Grundzuge der Psychologie
Lotze's System of Philosophy: Logic - Of Thought, of Investigation, and of Knowledge
Kleine Schriften (10)
Grundzuge Der Asthetik; Dictate Aus Den Vorlesungen Von Hermann Lotze
Mikrokosmus; Ideen Zur Naturgeschichte Und Geschichte Der Menschheit
Streitschriften; In Bezug Auf Prof. I. H. Fichte's Anthropologie (1)
Grundzuge Der Metaphysik, Dictate Aus Den Vorlesungen
Physiologie Der Seele
System Der Philosophie (1)
Outlines of Metaphysic Volume 1; Dictated Portions of the Lectures of Hermann Lotze
Metaphysic; In Three Books, Ontology, Cosmology, and Psychology
Metaphysic Volume N . 1; In Three Books, Ontology, Cosmology, and Psychology
Outlines of the Philosophy of Religion Volume 2; Dictated Portions of the Lectures of Hermann Lotze
Microcosmus; An Essay Concerning Man and His Relation to the World
Outlines of Practical Philosophy
System Der Philosophie, Zweiter Theil
System Der Philosophie.