101 books
Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes; Showing the General Statutes in Force January 1, 1914. Embracing the Revision of 1881 as Amended, and All Permanent
School Laws, Enacted by the General Assembly of 1919; A Supplement to the School Laws of Indiana, 1917 Edition
Laws Relating to the Assessment of Property for Taxation; Concerning the Duties and Powers of Assessors, Boards of Review, State Tax Commissioners and County Auditors
The School Law of Indiana,
Laws of the State of Indiana, Passed at the Session[s] of the General Assembly.
Highway Laws of Indiana in the Opening, Locating, Vacating, Changing and Repairing of Public Highways
Annual Report Volume 14
School Laws Enacted by the General Assemblies of 1913 and 1915
School Laws Enacted by the General Assembly of 1919; Special Session of General Assembly of 1920 and General Assembly of 1921. a Supplement to the School Laws of Indiana
Laws & Resolutions Concerning the Indiana University at Bloomington
The Statutes of the State of Indiana; Containing the Revised Statutes of 1852, with the Amendments Thereto, and the Subsequent Legislation, with Note
The Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Passed at the Thirty-Sixth Session of the General Assembly; Also, Sundry Acts, Ordinances, and Public Documents Directed to Be Printed Along with the Said Statutes
The Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana; Adopted and Enacted by the General Assembly at Their Twenty-Second Session to Which Are Prefixed the Dec
The School Law of Indiana Including Acts of 1891
Laws Concerning the Assessment of Property for Taxation. 1899
The Statutes of the State of Indiana Volume 2; Containing the Revised Statutes of 1852, with the Amendments Thereto, and the Subsequent Legislation with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions
Constitutions of 1816 and 1851 of the State of Indiana and Amendments; D.M. Geeting, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Insurance Laws of the State of Indiana; A Compilation of All Laws in Force Relating to Insurance and Foreign Corporations Generally. with Annotations
The Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana Volume 2; Embracing the Revision of 1881 and All General Laws Enacted Subsequent to That Revision, Now in Force, with Digested Notes of Judicial Decisions, Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions
Annotated Statutes of the State of Indiana, Showing the General Statutes in Force January 1, 1894 Volume 3; Embracing the Revision of 1881 as Amended, and All Permanent, General, and Public Acts of the General Assembly Passed Since the Adoption of That Rev
The Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana Volume 1; Embracing the Revision of 1881 and All General Laws Enacted Subsequent to That Revision, Now in Force, with Digested Notes of Judicial Decisions, Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions
Laws of the State of Indiana, Passed at the Session of the General Assembly
Annotated Indiana Practice Code; The Indiana Code of Civil Procedure, with Notes of Judicial Decisions
Election Law of Indiana, with Instructions to Voters and Election Officers