27 books
A. E. HOTCHNER is the author of the international bestsellers Papa Hemingway, Doris Day: Her Own Story, Sophia, and his own memoir, King of the Hill. He has adapted many of Hemingway's works for the screen.
Kissing the Wind
The Amazing Adventures of Aaron Broom
Hemingway in Love
O.J. in the Morning, G&t at Night
Paul and Me
The Good Life According to Hemingway
In Pursuit of the Common Good
The Boyhood Memoirs of A. E. Hotchner
El Secreto de Paul
Everyone Comes to Elaine's
Shameless Exploitation in Pursuit of the Common Good
The Day I Fired Alan Ladd and Other World War II Adventures
The Hole in the Wall Gang Cookbook
Louisiana Purchase
King of the Hill
Blown Away
Hemingway and His World
Newman's Own Cookbook
Choice People
Man Who Lived at Ritz
The Man Who Lived at the Ritz
Sophia, Living and Loving
Doris Day