41 books
Monthly Bulletin Volume 2
Monthly Bulletin Volume 1
Bulletin Volume 9; Nos. 17-28
Library Bulletin Volume 41-53
Library Bulletin Volume 31-40
Library Bulletin Volume 59-70
Library Bulletin Volume 9
Bulletin of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State Volume 10
Catalogue of the Library of the Department of Justice, to September 1, 1904
Catalogue of the Library of the Department of the Interior, Including the Additions Made from May 3, 1877, to February 1, 1881
Library Bulletin Volume 1-16
Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of the Department of the Interior; Including the Additions Made from December 31, 1874, to May 31, 1877
Library Bulletin Volume 71-76
Library Bulletin Volume 54-58
Bulletin of the Bureau of Rolls and Library of the Department of State (Volume 8); Jefferson, T. 3rd Pres. U.S. Calendar of the Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson. Part II. Letters to Jefferson. 1895
List of Publications Relating to Forestry in the Department Library. Prepared Under the Direction of the Librarian
Catalogue of Law-Books of the Department of Justice