17 books • 10 series
A Naturalist’s Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Northern Europe (2nd edition) (Naturalist's Guide)
Solitary bees (Naturalists' Handbooks, Vol. 33)
Naturalist's Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain & Northern Europe
Alfred Russel Wallace: Explorer, Evolutionist, Public Intellectual
Grasshoppers and Crickets (Collins New Naturalist Library, #120)
Butterfly Days in High Provence
The Dragonflies of Essex
The Easy Butterfly Guide
Bumblebees (New Naturalist)
The Butterflies of Colchester and North East Essex
Sociology and the Environment
Philosophy of Social Science (Traditions in Social Theory S.) (Traditions in Social Theory)
The Bumblebees of Essex (Nature of Essex S., #4)
Social Theory and the Global Environment
Natural Relations
The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism (Theoretical Traditions in the Social Sciences, #1) (Traditions in Social Theory)
Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies (International Library of Society) (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory)