665 books
Substance of the Debate in the House of Commons, on the 15th May, 1823; On a Motion for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the
Papers by Command Volume N . 16
Parliamentary Papers Volume 10
House of Commons Papers Volume N . 36
Rapport Du Comite Consultatif; Report of the Advisory Committee Volume 7
General Index to Bills; House of Commons. 1801-52
Parliamentary Papers Volume 9
House of Commons Papers Volume 1875
House of Commons Papers Volume 1851
The History and Proceedings of the House of Commons; From the Restoration to the Present Time
House of Commons Papers Volume N . 35
House of Commons Papers Volume N . 47
East India (Chinchona Plant)
Articles of Impeachment; Of High-Treason and Misdemeanors, Against Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer. July 9. 1715. with His Lordship's Answer, Paragraph by Paragraph. to Which Is Added, a Short State of the Late War and Peace
House of Commons Papers Volume 1846
The Decisions of the Right. Hon. Arthur Wellesley Peel; Speaker of the House of Commons, from His Election to the Speakership, February 26, 1884 to His Retirement from the Chair, April 9, 1895, on Points of Order, Rules of Debate, and the
History of the Proceedings of the House of Commons, in the Inquiry Into the Conduct of His Royal Highness the Duke of York; Comprising an Authentic Copy of the Evidence, and an Accurate Report of All the Debates in Parliament, as They
House of Commons Papers Volume 41, PT. 1
House of Commons Papers Volume N . 40
Sessional Papers Volume 27
Sessional Papers Volume 61
Parliamentary Papers Volume 38, PT. 1
Parliamentary Papers Volume 43
The Decisions of the Right. Hon. Arthur Wellesley Peel, Speaker of the House of Commons (Given in the Chair of the House from Feb. 26, 1884 to Sept. 25, 1886) on Points of Order, Rules of Debate, and the General Practice of the House; Being a Sequel to .