145 books
The Presbyterian Digest of 1907; A Compend of the Acts, Decisions, and Deliverances of the General Presbytery, General Synod, and General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1706-1906
The Assembly Herald Volume 11, No. 3
Memoranda Concerning Sheldon Jackson; And the Moderatorship of the 109th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Winona Assembly Grounds, Eagle Lake, Indiana, May 20-28, 1897
The Assembly Herald Volume 10
Minutes and Reports Volume 18
The Assembly Herald Volume 4-5
The Assembly Herald Volume 19
Psalms and Hymns Adapted to Social, Private and Public Worship; In the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
The Assembly Herald Volume 9, No. 3
The Assembly Herald Volume 9, No. 4
The Assembly Herald Volume 6, No. 1
The Assembly Herald Volume 15
The Assembly Herald Volume 10, No. 8
The Assembly Herald Volume 10, No. 6
The Protestant Reformation and Its Influence, 1517-1917; Addresses Delivered in Connection with the One Hundred and Twenty-Ninth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America at Dallas, Texas, on May 19 and 20, 1917
Presbyterian Churches
The Presbyterian Digest of 1886; A Compend of the Acts, and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
The Assembly Herald Volume 24
The Assembly Herald Volume 11
The Assembly Herald Volume 11, No. 9
The Assembly Herald Volume 1, No. 6
The Assembly Herald
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America Volume 9
The Church at Home and Abroad Volume 12