99 books
H.R. 1992, the Internet Equity and Education Act of 2001
Measuring success
Enhancing retirement security
The Pension Security Act
Genetic nondiscrimination
"Back to work
Beck rights 2001
Protecting children
The rising cost of health care
Emerging trends in employment and labor law
Developments in labor law
Genetic non-discrimination
Assessing the impact of the Labor Department's final overtime regulations on workers and employers
Preventing underage drinking
Examining long-term solutions to reform and strengthen the defined benefit pension system
Guest worker programs
Examining pension security and defined benefit plans
Building America's competitiveness
Evaluating health and safety regulations in the American mining industry
H.R. 1445, the Workplace Religious Freedom Act of 2005
Examining the retirement security of state and local government employees
Welfare reform
H.R. 4283, College Access and Opportunity Act
Fiscal responsibility and federal consolidation loans