Dr. Linda Howe is the leading international expert specializing in using the Akashic Records - the energetic archive of souls - for personal empowerment and transformation. By making her Pathway Prayer Process(c) freely available to all, she became the first person to bring conscious, reliable access to the Records to the world community. A teacher in the field for the past 3 decades, Dr. Howe founded the Center for Akashic Studies in 2001. Her inspired, comprehensive curriculum has been revealed to her through her relationship with the Akasha and refined through her work with tens of thousands of students over the years. Through in-person and online classes, award-winning books, social media, and private consultations she shares optimal ways to tap into the eternal wisdom of the soul for practical application in everyday life. Dr. Howe's publications include the ground-breaking How to Read the Akashic Records, Healing Through the Akashic Records, and Discover Your Soul's Path Through the Akashic Records. She is currently writing her latest book, on Manifesting. Dr. Howe is the first person to earn a Doctorate in Spiritual Studies with a specialty in the Akashic Records. She received her degree from Emerson Theological Institute. Learn more about Dr. Howe, and the possibilities the Akashic Records hold for you, at www.LindaHowe.com