102 books • 8 series
Zoological Series Volume 8
Popular Series Volume 1-12; Botany
Zoological Series Volume 2
Fieldiana Volume 6; Zoology
Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the Adjacent Islands in Field Museum of Natural History Volume 2, Nos. 1-2; Including All Species and Subspecies Known to Occur in North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies, and Islands
Fieldiana Volume 5; Zoology
Zoological Series Volume 11
Fieldiana Volume 4
Annual Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees for the Year (Volume 3)
Fieldiana (Volume 14)
Fieldiana (Volume 15)
Fieldiana (Volume 11 ); Anthropology
Popular Series Volume 1-10; Anthropology
Fieldiana (Volume 14 ); Anthropology
Fieldiana (Volume 5)
Fieldiana (Volume 11)
Fieldiana (Volume 9)
Fieldiana (Volume 6)
Fieldiana (Volume 4, PT.2)
Fieldiana (Volume 10)
Fieldiana (Volume 4, PT.1)
Fieldiana (Volume 7)
Fieldiana (Volume 13, PT.2, No.1)
Fieldiana (Volume 13, PT.2, No.2)