17 books • 3 series
Christopher Powell
Enter the Circus
The Earliest Members of Lodge IV
Lyme Regis Monographs
Strange Loops (Strange Loops, #1)
Only You Will Ever Know
A Bugger Up the Back
British Building Industry Since 1800, The: An Economic History
Barbaric Civilization
A Table of All the Principall Matters and Wordes Conteined in the Booke of the Office of Iustices of Peace Compiled by Master Lambard Digested and Contriued Vnder Apt Titles, Obseruing the Alphabeticall Order (1583)
Patterns of the Soul
Swimming Dreams
A Musician of Renown
Caught in a Moment and Other Poems by Christopher Powell
The British Building Industry since 1800
Stables and Stable Blocks (Shire album, #261)
Discovering Cottage Architecture (Discovering S., #275)