22 books • 7 series
The Empowered (Trevor Black)
Empowered, The
The Occupied
The Occupied (Trevor Black)
The Mark of Evil (The End, #4)
Brink of Chaos (The End, #3) (Joshua Jordan Novels, #3)
Trueno del cielo Softcover Thunder of Heaven (Fin de los Tiempos)
Thunder of Heaven (The End, #2) (End (Tim LaHaye), #2)
Edge of Apocalypse (The End)
The Rose Conspiracy
Sons of Glory (Thistle and the Cross, #3)
Captives and Kings (Thistle and the Cross, #2)
Trial by Ordeal
Crown of Fire (Thistle and the Cross, #1)
The Last Judgment (Chambers of Justice, #5)
Missing Witness
Traveling a Pilgrim's Path
The Accused (Chambers of Justice)
Custody of the State
The Resurrection File
The Light in the City
Tough Faith