124 books • 44 series
El Viejo McPerro Tenia Un Zoologico (Old McDoggle Had a Zoo) (Alitas Rojas: Niveles 1-2)
Lagartija Lisa: El Cielo Se Esta Cayendo! (Lizzie Little, the Sky Is Falling!) (Alitas Azules: Niveles 2-3)
Robin Hood (Little Birdie Books: Blue Reader: Levels 2-3) (Little Birdie Books) (Little Birdie Books, 2-3 Blue)
Los Tres Chivitos y El Ogro (the Three Billy Goats and Gruff) (Alitas Azules: Niveles 2-3)
La Patita Dorada y Los Tres Castores (Goldie Duck and the Three Beavers) (Alitas Rojas: Niveles 1-2)
Lagartija Lisa: ¡El Cielo Se Está Cayendo! (Alitas Azules: Niveles 2-3) (Little Birdie Readers)