59 books
Hearing on the implementation of the United States Capitol Police-Library of Congress Police merger
Oversight hearing on the Election Assistance Commission
H.R. 4863, to establish the National Museum of the American Latino
Mark-up of H.R. 2844, the Continuity in Representation Act of 2003
Markup of continuity of government legislation
Oversight hearing on election day registration and provisional voting
Defining the future of campaign finance in an age of Supreme Court activism
Hearing on military and overseas voting
Hearing on the National Voter Registration Act, section 7
Oversight of the Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, Chief Administrative Officer, and Inspector General of the House of Representatives
Voter registration and list maintenance (continued)
Ensuring the rights of college students to vote
Voter registration and list maintenance
Engaging the electorate
Hearing on the 2008 presidential primaries and caucuses
Review of the use of committee funds in the first session of the 111th Congress
H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act, Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections
Additional discussion of H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act, Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Elections
Hearing on the use of "robocalls" in federal campaigns
Hearing on the management of asbestos and hazardous materials at the Smithsonian Institution
Modernizing the election registration process
U.S. Capitol Police budget concerns
H.R. 672, to terminate the Election Assistance Commission
Oversight hearing on the Library of Congress