13 books
Morphy's Games of Chess: Being the Best Games Played by the Distinguished Champion in Europe and America (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Morphy's Games of Chess, and Frère's Problem Tournament (Classic Reprint)
Morphy's Games of Chess, and Frère's Problem Tournament (Large Text Classic Reprint)
Morphy's Games of Chess, Being the Best Games Played by the Distinguished Champion in Europe and America; - Scholar's Choice Edition
Morphy's Games of Chess, Being the Best Games Played by the Distinguished Champion in Europe and America; - Primary Source Edition
Morphy's Games; A Selection of the Best Games Played by the Distinguished Champion in Europe and America
Morphy's Games of Chess; The Best Games Played by the Champion, with Analytical and Critical Notes by J. Lowenthal
Half-Hours with Morphy...
Poems and Prose Sketches, with a Biographical Memoir of Paulpoems and Prose Sketches, with a Biographical Memoir of Paul Charles Morphy (1921) Charles Morphy (1921)
Morphy's Games
Morphys Games of Chess
Morphy's Games of Chess, Being the Best Games Played by the Distinguished Champion in Europe and America
Poems and Prose Sketches, with a Biographical Memoir of Paul Charles Morphy (1921)