Combining backgrounds in Art, Psychology and Media Technologies with 12 years as a University Professor, Mitch Geller divides his time between running Nu-Design, a full-service Multimedia/Web Design firm, working in digital imaging and video, and teaching the occasional seminar. His expertise includes advanced programming and artistic design for database, Web, CD-ROM and intranet based applications. He is a board member at DCCC Richland, has been on the faculty at MacWorld, featured in Siggraph, co-authored the bestselling New Perspectives on Dreamweaver series of books and has written a chapter for Virtual Publics (Yale University Press). His work has been shown internationally including: Video Witnesses; Festival of New Journalism, The Humboldt Film, INFERMENTAL7(200 City International Tour) International Festival of Progressive Film and Video, USA Film Festival, the Marin County Film and Video Exhibition, the United States Film and Video Festival, the Chicago International Film Festival, the 26th, and the 26th Festival Der Nationen. In his spare time he enjoys sleeping.