258 books • 5 series
The History of Italy Written in Italian in Twenty Books (Volume 4)
Opere Inedite Di Francesco Guicciardini, Volume 5
The History of Italy (Volume 10)
Storia D'Italia Continuata Da Quella del Guicciardini Sino Al 1789 / Di Carlo Botta, Volume 4
Die Deutsche Universitat Dorpat Im Lichte Der Geschichte Und Der Gegenwart [By T. Neander].
Istoria D'Italia Di Messer Francesco Guicciardini
The History of Italy; From the Year 1490 to 1532
Histoire D'Italie
The History of Italy, Volume IX
Delle Istorie D'Italia
Storia D'Italia
Historia de Florencia 1378-1509 (Conmemorativa 70 Aniversario Fce)
The Sweetness of Power
Guicciardini: Dialogue on the Government of Florence (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
The History of Italy
Maxims and Reflections
Maxims and Reflections (Ricordi)
Francesco Guicciardini: Selected Writings