50 books • 1 series
Extracts From Notices of David Dudley Field (Classic Reprint)
A History of the Towns of Haddam and East-Haddam
An Address Delivered Before the Alumni of Williams College, in Love and Honor of Rev. Mark Hopkins, D.D., LL. D. by David Dudley Field, Tuesday, June 26th, 1888 (Classic Reprint)
Statistical Account of Middlesex County, Conn (Classic Reprint)
The Duties of the State
The Electoral Votes of 1876 Who Should Count Them, What Should Be Counted, and t
State of New-York
The Vote That Made the President (Classic Reprint)
The Classic Works of David Dudley Field
The State of New York Against the State of Louisiana and Others; Argument of Mr. David Dudley Field, Replying for the State of New York. Dorsheimer, B
An historical sketch congregational of the church in Stockbridge
Speeches, Arguments, and Miscellaneous Papers of David Dudley Field, Volume 1 - Primary Source Edition
Relations of Nations and of Their Members in Time of Peace
An address to the graduating class of the Law school of the University Of Albany
The Civil Code; Reply of Messrs. Field, Swayne, Arnoux, Yeaman, Opdyke, Milburn, Frankenheimer and Foster, to the Briefs Which Messrs. Carter, Matthews, Hornblower, Adams and Dwight Have Submitted to the Judiciary Committees of the Two
An Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church, Stockbridge; With Events Concurrent in Its Formation, Brief Notices of the Lives, Labors and Characters of Its Early Pastors, &C. Together with the Confession, Covenants, Standing Rules, and Catalogue of
Minutes of the Convention of Delegates from the Synod of New York and Philadelphia, and from the Associations of Connecticut; Held Annually from 1766 to 1775, Inclusive
Draft Outlines of an International Code Volume 1
Outlines of an International Code
Draft Outlines of an International Code
Argument of David Dudley Field, Esq. Before the Supreme Court of the U.S. March 12th and 13th, 1866; In the Matter of L.P. Milligan, W.A. Bowles Steph
A History of the County of Berkshire, Massachusetts, in Two Parts; The First Being a General View of the County the Second, an Account of the Several Towns
Speeches, Arguments, and Miscellaneous Papers of David Dudley Field Volume 2
Prime Linee Di Un Codice Internazionale del Giurista Americano Davide Dudley Field