95 books • 10 series
MIKE BROWN and Carol Harris are experts on the Second World War Home Front and co-authors of The Wartime House.
Wartime Britain (Shire Living Histories, #9)
A Pedagogy of Place
Digging for Victory
Air Raids and Ration Books
Blitz Diary
How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming
Buchan - 'Thistle' Decorative Scottish Pottery
Evacuees of the Second World War (Shire Library, #570)
Wartime Childhood (Shire Library, #567)
Building Budget Brits
The Little Book of Thermofluids
The 1950s Look
The 1940s Look
Mastering Marriage
The Day Peace Broke Out
Fly Fishing Eastern Sierra Streams
The Ration Book Diet
Christmas on the Home Front
Christmas on the Home Front 1939-1945
Evacuees, 1939-1945
Intelligent Information Integration in B2B Electronic Commerce (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, #710)
Ireland's Wildlife
Rescue Services
Women's Costumes