55 books
Johann Reinhold Forster's Und Georg Forster's Beschreibungen Der Gattungen Von Pflanzen Auf Einer Reise Nach Den Inseln Der Sud-See.
Novae Species Insectorum
A Voyage Round the World. Performed by Order of His Most Christian Majesty, in the Years 1766, 1767, 1768, and 1769
A Voyage to China and the East Indies
Observations Made During a Voyage Round the World, on Physical Geography, Natural History, and Ethic Philosophy ...
A Catalogue of the Animals of North America. Containing, an Enumeration of the Known Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Insects, Crustaceous and Testaceous Animals
Animals of Hudson's Bay
History of the Voyages and Discoveries Made in the North. Translated from the German of John Reinhold Forster, ... and Elucidated by a New ... Map of the Countries Situated about the North Pole
History of the Voyages and Discoveries Made in the North. Translated from the German of John Reinhold Forster, I.U.D. and Elucidated by Several New and Original Maps.
Liber Singularis de Bysso Antiquorum, Quo, Ex AEgyptia Lingua, Res Vestiaria Antiquorum, Imprimis in S. Codice Hebraeorum Occurrens, Explicatur
A Catalogue of the Animals of North America
Georg Forster's Smmtliche Schriften
Forster's Animals of Hudson's Bay
Georg Foster's S Mmtliche Schriften. Sechster Band. Dritter Theil.
Georg Foster's Sammtliche Schriften. Funfter Band
Georg Foster's S Mmtliche Schriften, Zweiter Band
Georg Forster's S Mmtliche Schriften
Travels into North America
Georg Foster's Sammtliche Schriften
Georg Foster's Sammtliche Schriften, Fuenfter Band
Travels Through That Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana; Volume 2
A Catalogue of the Animals of North America; Containing, an Enumeration of the Known Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Insects, Crustaceous
Georg Forster's S Mtliche Schriften
History of the American Privateers, and Letters-Of-Marque