19 books • 2 series
Acteur Et Le Syst'me. Les Contraintes de L'Action Collective(l')
A Contre-Courant
Ma Belle Epoque
Crise de L'Intelligence. Essai Sur L'Impuissance Des 'Lites Se R'Former(la)
Etat Modeste, Etat Moderne
Estado Modesto, Estado Moderno
Como Reformar El Estado. Tres Paises, Tres Estrategias (Economia)
Entreprise L''Coute. Apprendre Le Management Post-Industriel(l')
Societal Change Between Market and Organization (Public Policy and Social Welfare, v. 11)
The Trouble with America
Strategy for Change
Le Mal Americain
Actors and Systems
Crisis of Democracy
The Stalled Society
La Sociedad Bloqueada
PH'Nom'ne Bureaucratique(le)
World of the Office Worker
The Bureaucratic Phenomenon