George Stanley, Cyril & Tutta Vetter Alumni Professor at Louisiana State University, received his B.S. from the University of Rochester in 1975 and his Ph.D. from Texas A & M University in 1979. He has extensive research experience in inorganic chemistry. George has won numerous awards and accolades, both nationally and locally, including the NSF Special Creativity Award in 1994, the LSU University Excellence in Science Teaching Award in 1995, the LSU College of Basic Sciences Center for Excellence in Science Teaching each year since 1997, and the Baton Rouge-ACS Charles E. Coates Award in 1999. He recently was named 2005-2006 TIAA-CREF Service Learning Fellow due to his longtime commitment to service-learning programs at LSU.
Aug 30, 2018
Cover of Dash


Jul 10, 2015
Cover of Brick City

Brick City

May 9, 2013
Cover of After Desire

After Desire

Mar 16, 2008
Cover of Química


Aug 15, 2000
Cover of At Andy's

At Andy's

Jan 1, 1992
Cover of Four Realities

Four Realities

Jan 1, 1983
Cover of Opening Day

Opening Day