Author Bio: Shakirah Bourne is a Barbadian author and filmmaker whose work has won numerous awards. She’s known for her use of dialect and how she explores local culture, often exposing hypocrisy, and revealing hidden aspects of a so-called Caribbean paradise. Recently, she has been writing for young people who like mythological and fantastical tales, beginning with her debut children's novel, Josephine Against the Sea. Find her online @shakirahwrites or Dana Alison Levy is the author of many acclaimed books for young readers, including It Wasn’t Me and the Family Fletcher novels. Her first novel for teens, Above All Else, was published in 2020. When not writing, Dana enjoys traveling, eating, taking photos of her cats, and smashing toxic white supremacist patriarchal norms. She makes a lot of mistakes and tries to learn from them. Find her at or wasting time on Twitter or Instagram @danaalisonlevy.