42 books • 7 series
Dictionary of Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks
Introduction to Demonology
They Bore the Stigmata
Dictionary of Catholic Mysticism
Famous Christian People
The Sacraments of the Catholic Church
Sacred Music in Church History
Sacred Church Pilgrim Sites
The Great Tribulation a Catholic Perspective
THE ANTICHRIST A Catholic Perspective
PATRON SAINTS! Special Needs and Conditions (Patron Saints, #4)
Patron Saints! Occupations and Vocations
PATRON SAINTS! Countries and Nations (Patron Saints, #2)
PATRON SAINTS! Our Lady As Patron Saint (Patron Saints, #1)
The Rite of Exorcism the Roman Ritual
The Mystery of the Sacred Stigmata the Shroud of Turin Confirms the Stigmata!
The Cause of Canonization How Saints Become Saints! (Sainthood, #1)
MIRACLES OF THE SAINTS! Signs and Wonders from God
End Times Prophecies A Catholic Perspective
Medjugorje! Latest Marian Messages For The World
Little Known Facts About Easter Traditions
Do You Really Know Jesus Christ?
1,130 Bible Trivia Questions! (The Bible Trivia, #4)
The Gospel of Matthew The Bible Trivia Series (The Bible Trivia, #2)