GUESHE KELSANG GYATSO, ilustre erudito y maestro de meditacion, nacio en el Tibet y reside en el Reino Unido desde 1977. Ha escrito numerosas e importantes obras de tematica budista en las que unifica magistralmente la antigua sabiduria de la doctrina budista con el modo de vida contemporaneo. Es asimismo fundador de muchos centros budistas alrededor de todo el mundo.

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso was ordained as a Buddhist monk in Tibet at the age of eight. He is a fully accomplished meditation master, prolific author, and international teacher who has lived in the West since 1977 and has founded over 1,100 Kadampa Buddhist meditation centers and groups around the world. His 21 acclaimed books reveal the entire Buddhist path to enlightenment, including Buddha's Sutra and Tantra teachings.