57 books • 19 series
Cryptid Sea Monsters
A Dinosaur for Washington
Famous Artists in History (15 BIOS)
World War II History for Kids (History Facts for Kids)
Heroes of World War II
All About Horses
The History of the Titanic (History of)
19th Century American History for Kids (American History by Century)
The Mystery of The Titanic
Voices of Ordinary Heroes (History Speaks!)
Voices of Young Heroes (History Speaks!)
Cryptid Creatures
Death Eaters
Goo Makers (Project: Steam)
Simple Science Projects (Project: Steam)
Gross Science Projects (Project: Steam)
Dive Into Danger (Animal Rescues, #2)
Animals (Lie Detector)
Blazing Courage (Animal Rescues, #1)
Dinosaurs (Lie Detector)
Lie Detector (Lie Detector)
Life During the Civil War (Daily Life in Us History)
Ghostly Evidence
Lie Detector: Dinosaurs (Lie Detector)