21 books • 8 series
Tiny Tales
A is for Apple, A Horsey Alphabet
Novus (The Corescu Chronicles, #5)
Anathema (The Corescu Chronicles, #4)
Tree of Life (The Corescu Chronicles Book Three, #3)
Conundrum (The Rabbit Saga, #5)
Emma's Dragon (An Ellen C. Maze Long Short, #1)
Visitor Bob (A Long Short by Ellen C Maze, #4)
The Vampire Magician (An Ellen C. Maze Long Short, #2)
Anomaly (The Rabbit Saga, #4)
Rabbit Redemption (Rabbit Trilogy, #3)
22 Sideways
In Pursuit of Sir Unicorn
The Coming
Damascus Road (The Corescu Chronicles Book Two, #2)
Rabbit Legacy (Rabbit Trilogy, #2)
The Judging (The Corescu Chronicles Book One, #1)
Loose Rabbits of the Rabbit Trilogy
Rabbit (The Rabbit Saga, #1)