I'm Julia. I'm a postpartum doula and I started working with exhausted and overwhelmed Newborn Mothers when I was only 24 years old, before I was a mother myself. Early on in my career I completed many postpartum trainings, and while they were all excellent in their own ways, none of them really addressed how to support Newborn Mothers through this major life transition, as a rite of passage. I am fascinated with Ayurveda, anthropology, hormones and brain science and this unusual combination has led me to a radically new paradigm for postpartum transformation. If you are pregnant or a Newborn Mother I'll teach you how to build your village, embrace baby brain and get in touch with your confidence and intuition. If you are a professional, I'll teach you how to create an abundant career and step into your life's work supporting Newborn Mothers. Now I've written books and created online courses and I have hundreds of students from dozens of countries around the world! I live by the Swan River in Fremantle with my husband and three children. Get free resources and join the postpartum renaissance at www.newbornmothers.com.