617 books • 14 series
The Gold of Point Pinos
Ransom for a Gunsmith (Gunsmith, #402)
Invitation to a Bank Robbery (Gunsmith, #491)
The Lincoln Ransom (Gunsmith, #400)
New Mexico Powder Keg (Gunsmith, #401)
Deadly Debt (Gunsmith, #490)
Town Tamers
The Gunsmith Down Under
Tales of a Swamper (Gunsmith, #487)
Roxy Doyle and the Christmas Gift
The Central City Poker Challenge
To Steal from the Dead (Gunsmith, #484)
Belle Starr's Daughter
The Chanteuse from the East
Cheap Whiskey and Sad Women
The Friendly Gold Mine (Gunsmith, #480)
A Gunsmith Turkey Shoot
Steel Disaster (Gunsmith, #479)
Roxy Doyle Meets an Angel (Lady Gunsmith, #10)
The Red Lady of San Francisco
The Independence Day Gang
Sheriff Iron Horse (Gunsmith, #477)
Deadly Delivery (Gunsmith, #476)
Six Deadly Guns (Gunsmith, #475)