33 books
Heaven the Residence of the Saints. a Sermon Occasioned by the Sudden and Much Lamented Death of the Rev. George Whitefield, ... Delivered at the Thursday Lecture at Boston, in America, October 11, 1770. by Ebenezer Pemberton
Heaven the Residence of the Saints. a Sermon Occasioned by the Sudden, and Much Lamented Death of the Reverend George Whitefield, A.M. Chaplain to the Right-Honourable the Countess of Huntington
Salvation by Grace Through Faith, Illustrated and Confirmed, in Eight Sermons Preached at Boston in New-England. by E. Pemberton, D.D. [three Lines of Scripture Texts]
A Sermon Preached in the Audience of the General Assembly, at the Publick Lecture in Boston November 1st. 1705. By Ebenezer Pemberton, M.A. Pastor of a Church in Boston
A Discourse Had by the Late Reverend and Learned Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton, Previous to the Ordination of the Reverend Mr. Joseph Sewall, at Boston, September 16. 1713. Affirming and Proving the Validity of Presbyterial Ordination
A Sermon Preached at the Presbyterian Church in the City of New-York, on Occasion of the Death of John Nicoll, M.D. Who Departed This Life October 2. 1743. Etat. Suae. 64. By E. Pemberton, A.M. [One Line From Philippians]
Advice to a Son. a Discourse at the Request of a Gentleman in New-England, Upon His Son's Going to Europe. ... by Ebenezer Pemberton, ...
Sermons on Several Subjects. Preach'd at the Presbyterian Church in the City of New-York. by E. Pemberton.
Puritan Pulpit, The