4,682 books • 7 series
Recueil Complet Des Travaux Preparatoires Du Code Civil; Suivi D'Une Edition de Ce Code, a Laquelle Sont Ajoutes Les Lois, Decrets Et Ordonnances Form
Samtliche Briefe; Nebst Dem Leben Desselben (1)
Proverbes Dramatiques de Carmontelle; Precedes de La Vie de Carmontelle, D'Une Dissertation Historique Et Morale Sur Les Proverbes, Et Suivis D'Une Ta
Le Moniteur de La Mode; Journal Du Grand Monde
Department of Defense Mustard Gas Testing; Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Compensation, Pension, and Insurance of the Committee on Veterans' Affai
Neues Hochland (4, PT. 1 )
Si La Torture Est Un Moyen Seur a Verifier Les Crimes Secrets; Dissertation Morale Et Juridique
Basler Zeitung (6 )
Zend-Avesta; Oder Uber Die Dinge Des Himmels Und Des Jenseits Vom Standpunkt Der Naturbetrachtung (1)
de La Recherche de La Verite
House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents
Regulating Interstate Commerce in Certain Cases
Dictionnaire Des Arts de Peinture, Sculpture Et Gravure (3 )
La Revue Hebdomadaire (5, #51)
Revue Des Deux Mondes (69)
Port-Royal (5 )
La Nouvelle Heloise (3)
Die Geschichte Der Philosophie Im Grundriss; Ein Ubersichtlicher Blick in Den Verlauf Ihrer Entwicklelung (1-2)
Standard of Value, Etc; Report to Accompany H.R. 11917
Constitution of the United States; [With Manual of Parliamentary Practice, Rules of the House, 2. Sess. 32 Cong. and Rules of the Senate.]
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States Volume 9, No. 2
Establishment of Standard and Decimal Divisions of Weights, Measures and Coins of the United States, Hearings, on H.R. 12850 Volume 66
The Life and Letters of the Right Honourable Friedrich Max Muller Volume 2
The Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed April 17, 1857; To Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Ma