46 books • 8 series
Computer Aided Optimum Design of Structures: Applications
Structural Repairs and Maintenance of Historical Buildings
Geomechanics, Wave Propagation, and Vibrations
Computer Aided Design in Composite Material Technology
The Boundary Element Reference Book
Applications in Geomechanics (Topics in Boundary Element Research, #4)
Fluid Flow and Potential Applications
Mathematical and Computational Aspects
Stress Analysis Applications
Volume 1: Mathematical and Computational Aspects. Volume 2: Stress Analysis Applications. Volume 3: Fluid Flow and Potential Applications
Structural Design and Crashworthiness of Automobiles
Vibrations of Engineering Structures (Lecture Notes in Engineering, #10)
Boundary Element Techniques in Computer-Aided Engineering
Basic Principles and Applications
The Boundary Element Method for Engineers
Topics in Boundary Element Research (Topics in Boundary Element Research, #1)
Boundary Element Techniques
Computational Hydraulics
Basic Computational Techniques for Engineers
Progress in Boundary Element Methods
Computational Methods for the Solution of Engineering Problems
Finite Element Techniques for Fluid Flow