21 books • 5 series
Russia in Transition
The Prophet Outcast: Trotsky, 1929-1940
Marxism, Wars and Revolutions
The Great Purges
The Non-Jewish Jew (Radical Thinkers)
Marxism in Our Time
Russia, China And the West 1953-1966
Lenin's Childhood
The Prophet Armed (Oxford Paperbacks)
The Prophet Outcast (Oxford Paperbacks)
Russia After Stalin
Heretics and Renegades
Unfinished Revolution, Russia, 1917-67 (Oxford Paperbacks)
The Unfinished Revolution (Galaxy Books, #274)
Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays
Stalin (Political Leaders of 20th Century S.) (Galaxy Books, #195)
On Socialist Man
Ironies of History
Great Contest
The Prophet Unarmed (Oxford Paperbacks) (Vintage Russian Library, #747)