82 books • 1 series
The Religion of Plato (Volume 1)
With the Wits (Volume 10); Shelburne Essays, Tenth Series
Shelburne Essays (Volume 10); With the Wits
Shelburne Essays (Volume 3); Shelburne Essays
The Prometheus Bound. Translated with Introd. and Notes by Paul Elmer More
Shelburne Essays. 1st-11th Series Volume 3
Shelburne Essays Volume 4
Benjamin Franklin
Shelburne Essays. 1st-11th Series Volume 5
Shelburne Essays, First Series
The Great Refusal, Being Letters of a Dreamer in Gotham
Shelburne Essays, Volume 3
Shelburne Essays (Volume 6)
A Century of Indian Epigrams
A New England group and others Shelburne essays eleventh series
Helena, and Occasional Poems
The Religion of Plato
A Century of Indian Epigrams, Chiefly from the Sanskrit of Bhartrihari
The Prometheus Bound of Schylus
Aristocracy and Justice
With the Wits
The Jessica Letters
Shelburne Essays