93 books • 3 series
Miscellany Poems by Mr. Dennis with Select Translations of Horace, Juvenal, Mons. Boileau's Epistles, Satyrs, &, and Aesop's Fables, in Burlesque Verse; To Which Is Added (1697)
An Ode Upon the Glorious and Successful Expedition of His Highness the Prince of Orange, Now King of England, Who Landed Novemb. 5, 1688 (1689)
Poems in Burlesque with a Dedication in Burlesque to Fleetwood Shepherd, Esquire. (1692)
Familiar Letters
Vice and Luxury Publick Mischiefs
Heroes of Literature
Julius Caesar Acquitted, and His Murderers Condemn'd. in a Letter to a Friend. Shewing That It Was Not Caesar Who Destroy'd the Roman Liberties, ... Occasion'd by Two Letters in the London Journal, ... to Which Is Added, a Second Letter
The Comical Gallant
Discover Bath on Foot
Priestcraft Distinguish'd from Christianity. Shewing, I. That Wicked Priests Are the Real Antichrists Mention'd in Scripture. ... the Second Edition Corrected.
The danger of priestcraft to religion and government
An Address to the People of Maryland, on the Origin, Progress and Present State of French Aggression, with a Sketch of the Infamous Attempts to Degrade the Government of the United States
Remarks Upon Mr. Pope's Translation of Homer. with Two Letters Concerning Windsor Forest, and the Temple of Fame. by Mr. Dennis.
Britannia triumphans
Priestcraft Distinguish'd from Christianity. Shewing, I. That Wicked Priests Are the Real Antichrists Mention'd in Scripture. ...
The Stage Defended, from Scripture, Reason, Experience, and the Common Sense of Mankind, for Two Thousand Years. Occasion'd by Mr. Law's Late Pamphlet Against Stage-Entertainments. in a Letter to ****** by Mr. Dennis.
The Characters and Conduct of Sir John Edgar, Call'd by Himself Sole Monarch of the Stage in Drury-Lane; And His Three Deputy-Govenors. in Two Letters to Sir John Edgar. the Second Edition.
The Characters and Conduct of Sir John Edgar, Call'd by Himself Sole Monarch of the Stage in Drury-Lane; And His Three Deputy-Governors. in Two Letters to Sir John Edgar.
A Proposal for Putting a Speedy End to the War, by Ruining the Commerce of the French and Spaniards, and Securing Our Own, Without Any Additional Expence to the Nation.
Heroes of Literature English Poets a Book for Young R Eaders
Heroes of Literature, English Poets; A Book for Young Readers
The Invader of His Country, Or, the Fatal Resentment
The Realms of Gold; A Book for Youthful Students of English Literature