68 books • 1 series
The Saracens from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Baghdad
Theatrum Majorum, the Cambridge of 1776; With Which Is Incorporated the Diary of Dorothy Dudley...Together with an Historical Sketch, Severall Appropriate Poems, Numerous Anecdotes...Many References to the Renowned University, and Descriptions of the Peop
Theatrum Majorum; The Cambridge of 1776, Wherein Is Set Forth an Account of the Town, and of the Events It Witnessed with Which Is Incorporated the Diary of Dorothy Dudley, Now First Publish'd Together with an Historicall Sketch, Severall Appropriate Poems
The Story of the Saracens; From the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad
The Cambridge of 1776; Wherein Is Set Forth an Account of the Town, and of the Events It Witnessed
Ancient Egypt (Illustrated)
Poets' Homes Volume 1-2; Pen and Pencil Sketches of American Poets and Their Homes
The Kingdom of Home; Homely Poems for Home Lovers
The Story of Rome, from the Earliest Times to the End of the Empire
First Steps in English Literature
Tales of the Pathfinders
Magna Charta Stories [By Various Authors] Ed. by A. Gilman
Short Stories from the Dictionary
General History
Ancient Egypt (Volume 1)
A History of the American People ... with Illustrations.
Seven Historic Ages, Or, Talks about Kings, Queens, and Barbarians
The Saracens from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad
Theatrum Majorum
Poets' Homes; Pen and Pencil Sketches of American Poets and Their Homes
A History of the American People
Kings, Queens and Barbarians Or, Talks about Seven Historic Ages.
The Story of the Nations
Kings, Queens and Barbarians