42 books • 4 series
James Freeman is assistant editor of the Wall Street Journal's editorial page. He previously served as investor advocate at the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Customs, Etiquette and Traditions of the New Testament
Wise Man
The Customs, Etiquette and Traditions of the Old Testament
The Return of the Olympic
Sermons and Charges
Eighteen Sermons and a Charge
Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee
Hulk 2 He Has a New Do
The Moment After
Sermons on Particular Occasions (1821)
Remarks on the American Universal Geography
Funeral Sermons, Preached at Kingschapel, Boston
Sermons on Particular Occasions
Acceptable Premises: An Epistemic Approach to an Informal Logic Problem
Redes Neuronales
The Influence of Trainers on Trainees in General Practice (Occasional Paper, #21)
Assessment of Vocational Training for General Practice