Roger Phillip Graham (1909 - 1966), born in Spokane, Washington, was an American science fiction writer who was published most often using the name Rog Phillips, but also used other names. Of his other pseudonyms, only Craig Browning is notable in the genre. He is associated most with Amazing Stories and is known best for short fiction. He was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novelette during 1959. Roger Phillip Graham was a man of many names. During his lifetime, reaching to the zenith of his science fiction writing career, he would go on to write using over twenty pseudonyms. His original work, Time Trap, published by Century Pocket Books in 1949 (#116), has been cited as being one of the very first, if not the very first, original science fiction paperback ever printed, because it was the first printed in mass-market rack size. Century Books followed Time Trap by publishing Worlds Within (#124, 1950) and World of If (as by Merit Books, #B-13, 1951). Of some passing interest the Century/Merit Books publishing house was a notorious Chicago Mob operation. Organized crime played and continued to play a major part in publishing during this era, mostly due to its almost complete control of distribution throughout the United States.