395 books • 47 series
200 Kakuro 17x17 + 18x18 + 19x19 + 20x20 and 200 Tridoku Hard - Very Hard Levels. (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #8)
200 Kakuro 8x8 + 9x9 + 10x10 + 11x11 + 200 Brickwalldoku Easy Levels. (Kakuro and Brickwalldoku Classic Sudoku, #2)
200 Kakuro and 200 Calcudoku 9x9 Medium Levels. (Kakuro and Calcudoku Classic Sudoku, #3)
200 Kakuro 14x14 + 15x15 + 17x17 + 18x18 and 200 Tridoku Medium - Hard Levels. (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #7)
200 Kakuro 8x8 + 12x12 + 16x16 + 20x20 + 200 Brickwalldoku All Levels. (Kakuro and Brickwalldoku Classic Sudoku, #1)
200 Kakuro 8x8 + 9x9 + 14x14 + 15x15 and 200 Tridoku Easy - Medium Levels. (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #6)
200 Kakuro 17x17 + 18x18 + 19x19 + 20x20 and 200 Tridoku Very Hard Levels. (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #5)
200 Kakuro 15x15 + 16x16 + 17x17 + 18x18 and 200 Tridoku Hard Levels (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #4)
200 Kakuro - Sukrokuro 100 - 100 Number Cross Sudoku. Puzzles Hard - Very Hard Levels (Original Classic Sudoku, #8)
200 Kakuro - Sukrokuro 100 - 100 Number Cross Sudoku. Puzzles Medium - Hard Levels. (Original Classic Sudoku, #7)
200 Kakuro and 200 Hitori Sudoku. Medium - Hard Version. (Kakuro and Hitori Puzzles, #7)
200 Kakuro 10x10 + 12x12 + 14x14 + 15x15 and 200 Tridoku Medium Levels. (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #3)
200 Kakuro and 200 Hitori Sudoku. Hard - Very Hard Version (Kakuro and Hitori Puzzles, #8)
200 Kakuro and 200 Hitori Sudoku. Easy - Medium Version (Kakuro and Hitori Puzzles, #6)
200 Kakuro 8x8 + 9x9 + 10x10 + 12x12 and 200 Tridoku Easy Levels. (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #2)
200 Kakuro 9x9 + 14x14 + 17x17 + 20x20 and 200 Tridoku All Levels (Kakuro and Tridoku Classic Sudoku, #1)