Stephen Arterburn is the founder and chairman of New Life Clinics, which provide Christian counseling and treatment throughout the United States and Canada. He is the host of the daily "New Life Live!" national radio program and creator of the Women of Faith Conferences, which have been attended by over 800,000 women across America. Stephen Arterburn is also a nationally known speaker, licensed minister, and best-selling author of more than two dozen books, including The Seven Keys to Spiritual Renewal and Mastering Your Moods. He resides with his family in Laguna Beach, California. Jack Felton is a licensed therapist and an ordained minister at New Hope Christian Counseling Center and is president and founder of Compassion Move Ministries. Jack Felton is a frequent lecturer in the Southern California area and has numerous local and national television and radio appearances to his credit. He and his wife, Robin, and his children, Jack and Christy, live in Huntington Beach, California.