62 books • 13 series
Hamsters and Gerbils (Perfect Pets)
The City (Life in the Roman Empire) (Life in the Medieval Muslim World) (Life in Elizabethan England) (Life in Ancient Egypt) (Life in the Middle Ages) (Life in the Renaissance)
The Church (Life in the Middle Ages) (Life in Elizabethan England) (Life in the Renaissance)
The Castle (Life in the Middle Ages)
Life in the Middle Ages
Medieval England (Cultures of the Past)
Venice and Its Merchant Empire (Cultures of the Past)
Rabbits (Perfect Pets)
Vikings (Barbarians!) (Cultures of the Past)
The Incas (Cultures of the Past)
Cats (Perfect Pets)
The Celts of Northern Europe (Cultures of the Past)
The Ancient Romans (Cultures of the Past)
India's Gupta Dynasty (Cultures of the Past)