71 books • 10 series
An Unkind Winter (Alone, #2)
An Undeclared War (Countdown to Armageddon, #4)
The Allegiance Device
The Siege (Final Dawn, #4)
Alone (Alone, #12)
My Forever
Rise From The Ashes (Countdown to Armageddon, #4)
Breakout (Final Dawn, #3)
Countdown to Armageddon Book 2
American Armageddon
The Hunted
Countdown to Armageddon
Hidden (Final Dawn, #2)
1001 Jokes
The Cleansing (Cleansing, #1)
Haunted Lubbock
A Secret Life
Final Dawn (Final Dawn, #1)
The Secession of Texas
What's Wrong with America
Life's Lessons From A Candy Machine