110 books • 3 series
"Kenner und Liebhaber" Zweite Sammlung (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #23)
Musik am Dankfeste, H 823 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #22)
Kenner Und Liebhaber Collections
Sonata in a minor for solo flute without bass Wq 132 (H 562) (MDB Urtext)
Passion according to St. John (1772) (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #18)
Accompanied Sonatas, Wq 89 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #17)
Gott hat den Herrn auferwecket, Wq 244 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #16)
"Prussian" Sonatas, Wq 48 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #15)
Passion according to St. Matthew (1769)
"Kenner und Liebhaber" Erste Sammlung (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #11)
Gellerts Geistliche Oden und Lieder mit Melodien (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #12)
Klopstocks Morgengesang am Schoepfungsfeste and Other Chamber Cantatas (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #10)
Concerto in E-flat Major, Wq 165 and Wq 40 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #6)
Concerto in A Minor, Wq 1 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #3)
Sonatas Band 1 und 2
Versuch Uber Die Wahre Art, Das Klavier Zu Spielen
Organ Sonatas and Prelude (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #9)
Orchester-Sinfonien mit zwoelf obligaten Stimmen, Wq 183 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #8)
Dank-Hymne der Freundschaft (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #7)
Oboe Concerto in E-Flat Major Wq 165
"Probestucke" Sonatas, Wq 63 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #5)
Magnificat, Wq 215 (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #4)
Concerto in A Minor, Wq 1 (Early and Late Versions) (Cpeb: Cw Offprints, #3)
Die Israeliten in der Wuste