69 books • 23 series
Duel in the Dark (New Portway Large Print Books)
Poverty and Labour in London (Survey of Londoners' living standards, No 1)
Why are the Many Poor? (Fabian pamphlets, No 500)
The Postman of Nagasaki
Poverty and Welfare
Smallest Pawns in the Game
Labour and Equality
Poverty in the United Kingdom (Peregrine Books)
Time and Chance
Golf (Action Books)
Last Emperor
Sociology and Social Policy (Penguin education)
Social Minority
Scope and Limitation of Means-tested Social Services in Britain
Duel of Eagles
The Family Life of Old People (Pelican S.)
Fifth Social Service
Social Services for All?
Poor and the Poorest (LSE Social Administration Occasional Papers)
Aged in the Welfare State
New Pensions for the Old (Research S.)