22 books • 7 series
The Only Daughter
The Tunnel
The Extra
The Story of Crime and Punishment (Save the Story, #4)
The Retrospective
Friendly Fire
Woman in Jerusalem
La Mariee Liberee (Ldp Litterature)
Voyage Vers L an Mil (Ldp Litterature)
The Liberated Bride
The Terrible Power of a Minor Guilt
Journey to the End of the Millennium (Harvest Book)
Open Heart (Harvest in translation)
Mr Mani (Harvest in translation)
Yehoshua A.B. : Five Seasons (Pbk)
Five Seasons (Harvest Book) (Flamingo S.)
Continuing Silence of a Poet (Library of Modern Jewish Literature) (Flamingo S.)
Yehoshua A.B. : Late Divorce (Pbk)
Late Divorce (Abacus Books)
Early in the Summer of 1970
Three Days and a Child