136 books
The Story of Alexander Selkirk - Primary Source Edition
Thousand and one stories of fact and fancy, wit and humor, rhyme, reason and romance
Peter Parley's Illustrations of the Animal Kingdom
The Second Book of History
A History of All Nations, from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time, or Universal History
Fireside Education - Primary Source Edition
The Child's Arithmetic
The Life of Benjamin Franklin
Peter Parley's Juvenile Tales
Parley's Common School History of the World
North America
The First Book of History
Enterprise, industry and art of man
Parley's Panorama
Peter Parley's Book of the United States, Geographical Political, and Historical
Les Etas-Unis D'Amerique
Life of Louis Philippe; Together with an Accurate Account of the Revolution of 1830, and Also the Three Days of February, 1848, in a Letter from Paris
The life of George Washington
The Robinson Crusoe Trilogy
Literature, Ancient and Modern, with Specimens
A Book of Mythology for Youth; Containing Descriptions of the Deities, Temples Sacrifices and Superstitions of the Ancient Greeks and Romans
A Pictorial History of the World, Ancient and Modern; For the Use of Schools
Peter Parley's Method of Telling about Geography to Children; With 9 Maps and 75 Engravings. Principally for the Use of Schools
Lights and Shadows of African History Volume 2