92 books • 2 series
Evils and Demoralizing Effects of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment
The Aphanasia or Darkness at the Crucifixion
The Divine Word
Explanation of Hell, Hades, Tartarus, Infernus, Gehenna, and Tophet
The Christian's Devil, Where Imported or Borrowed from
The Origin of Baptism by Water, Fire, Blood, and the Holy Ghost
The Saviors Exhibit Early Proofs of Divinity
Physiological Absurdities of the Doctrine of the Divine Incarnation
Philosophical Absurdities of the Doctrine of the Divine Incarnation
Christ as a Spiritual Medium
Christ's Genealogy
Origin of the Traditions Respecting War in Heaven
Conversion, Repentance, and Getting Religion
Where His Hell and Ancient Notions Respecting Its Origin
A Metonymic View of the Divinity of Jesus Christ
Virgin Mothers and Virgin-Born Gods
Stars Point Out the Time and the Savior's Birthplace
The Bible of Bibles
Biography of Satan (Kersey Graves Complete Works, #1)
World'S Sixteen Crucified Saviors (Cosimo Classics Religion + Spirituality)